Pharma Models Pre-Clinical Research Blog

Dec, 2014

Animal Studies are Safer than You Think

Over the years, there has been much controversy surrounding animal studies. However, critics should be aware that there are specific regulations set up in this area of scientific trials that ensures the welfare and care of animals. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for instance, reports that all studies involving animals must adhere to […]

Dec, 2014

Genetic Research and Mouse Models Uncover Causes of Autoimmunity

Ever since the 1950s – when James Watson, Francis Crick, Rosalind Franklin, and other pertinent scientists uncovered the structure of deoxyribose nucleic acids (DNA) – the field of genetics has erupted and played a significant role in scientific research. More recently, scientists from the National Institutes of Health have uncovered that a gene called BACH2 […]

Dec, 2014

Brown Adipose Tissue: An Opponent of Obesity

  • Posted on December 09, 2014 by Pharma Models Blogging Team in Obesity

With the rise in obesity over the last few decades, scientists have grown interested in studying this condition and the illnesses that come with it – type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and various types of cancer are directly linked to obesity. For one researcher, brown adipose tissue and its connection with obesity was intriguing. […]

Dec, 2014

Bone Marrow Stem Cells Revolutionizing Diabetes Treatments

  • Posted on December 08, 2014 by Pharma Models Blogging Team in Diabetes

A study led by Andreea Ianus of New York University could transform diabetes therapies for patients in the future. Researchers from NYU used a mouse model to illustrate that bone marrow cells are capable of turning into insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. The journal Science reported that this may be a step in the right […]

Dec, 2014

Animal Models for Non-Hereditary and Metastasized Colon Cancers

  • Posted on December 04, 2014 by Pharma Models Blogging Team in Oncology

Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in many developed countries and its rates have been increasing among young adults. Numerous established animal models have played a significant role in understanding the molecular events that contribute to colon cancer pathology and in providing a platform for testing new chemopreventive compounds. Among these […]

Dec, 2014

Obesity and the Metabolic Syndrome Plague the New Generation

  • Posted on December 02, 2014 by Pharma Models Blogging Team in Obesity

Childhood obesity has been a growing issue in the United States throughout the last several decades. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that childhood obesity has doubled in the last 30 years while the obesity rate in adolescents has quadrupled. Obesity is associated with a wide variety of medical complications such as type […]

Nov, 2014

Autoimmune Arthritis Associated with Distressing Diabetes

  • Posted on November 25, 2014 by Pharma Models Blogging Team in Diabetes

In 2001, a mouse model showed that there is a genetic link between rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes, according to the Science journal. The research was presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Scientists discovered that one strain of genetically-similar mice develops diabetes while a second strain acquires rheumatoid […]

Nov, 2014

Brilliant Advances in Stem Cell Therapy May Cure Diabetes

  • Posted on November 20, 2014 by Pharma Models Blogging Team in Diabetes

An intriguing category of scientific research that has revolutionized the biological sciences is stem cell therapy. This type of therapy uses stem cells, which are undifferentiated biological cells often found in bone marrow and embryos, to treat or prevent a medical condition. Today, bone marrow transplants are the most common and widely used form of […]

Nov, 2014

Ultraviolet Light, Mice, and Melanoma

  • Posted on November 18, 2014 by Pharma Models Blogging Team in Oncology

One of the most alarming concerns of a sunny sky is the potential for developing skin cancer. Malignant melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer, but animal models for this cancer may provide answers and improved treatments for patients. Nearly 52,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with melanoma annually while about 8,000 […]

Nov, 2014

From Mice to Man: Innovative Therapy Mitigates Type 1 Diabetes

  • Posted on November 13, 2014 by Pharma Models Blogging Team in Diabetes

Researchers have now developed an antibody therapy to treat Type 1 diabetes through the use of mouse models. A human clinical trial is now underway to see if the therapy rituximab is just as effective in people, according to the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Type 1 diabetes is a serious disorder that […]

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Learn more about pancreatic cancer and the tools Pharmamodels has to help you accelerate your drug development program.
Learn more about pancreatic cancer and the tools Pharmamodels has to help you accelerate your drug development program.